School Counseling


Our mission as a counseling department is to provide a comprehensive, age appropriate, and sequential school counseling program that aligns with the American School Counseling Association’s national standards.

The program at Newark Charter Jr/Sr High School focuses on supporting all aspects of the student experience at NCS: academic development, personal/social development, and career development.

Counselor Assignment

7th and 8th Graders: Mrs. Sandy Campion

9th and 10th Graders: Mrs. Kris O’Connor

11th and 12th Graders: Mrs. Penny Halfen

College Counseling: Mr. Mitchell

How to schedule a meeting

If you would like to meet with your counselor, you can fill out this form.

Important Forms

Drop/Add form – This form available here must be filled out completely in order to have your request considered.
AP Agreement This form is required for students enrolled in AP courses.