Patriot Profiles - Karyn and Jeff Lang
Meet Karyn and Jeff Lang…they have strong ties to Newark Charter School.
Jeff describes himself as a “founding father” of NCS as he was involved with the group that created the school. “I helped secure the land on Barksdale Road for the trailers and helped identify the land for the Intermediate School.”
Jeff recalls, “I remember when we were at Newark City council and we were trying to get approved to put the trailers at the new location on Barksdale Road and the city was requiring that we put sprinklers in the trailers in order to be able to use them for classrooms. Joe Charma, our engineer, was arguing with them that this wasn't a code requirement and I grabbed his leg and told him to sit down as we needed their approval so quit arguing! We obviously did receive their approval that night and we were able to meet the deadline to open that fall of 2001, but we did have to put in the sprinkler system.”
Karyn describes Newark Charter School as “amazing, diverse and inclusive. ”She shares that NCS has been a wonderful school for their family”. Jeff was already involved with NCS as a founder, board member and parent when Maddy attended and we knew that it was where we wanted Mia and Molly to attend.”
“Mia and Molly absolutely love Newark Charter and can’t imagine going to school anywhere else. My favorite memories so far are from my days of volunteering as much as possible in the Primary School classrooms when my daughters were in that building. I loved the interaction with the teachers and students. It was so wonderful to see the enthusiasm from the teachers and how much they truly love their jobs and how much they care for the students!”
Today you’ll find the Langs on the sidelines supporting student-athletes, in the audience of the musicals, and volunteering at the auction and in the classrooms. They have been so much a part of Newark Charter School’s past…we can’t wait to have the Langs be part of our continued growth and success!