U.S. Senate Youth Delegate

Senior Babak (Bobby) Badiey was chosen to be part of a group of 104 student delegates, two from each state, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity, who attended the 55th annual United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) held in Washington D.C. in early March. The overall mission of USSYP is to help instill in the student delegates a more profound knowledge of the American political process as well as a lifelong commitment to public service. Additionally, The Hearst Foundations provide each student delegate with a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship. Bobby is currently the historian of the Student Council and has been active in Student Council since his freshman year. He has also served as treasurer of the Technology Student Association (TSA) and National Honor Society chapters. Bobby also finds time to volunteer with the Newark Bike Project, with various University of Delaware labs and local hospitals. While in Washington, Bobby and the student delegates attended meetings and briefings with senators, members of the House of Representatives, Congressional staff, a justice of the Supreme Court, leaders of cabinet agencies, an ambassador to the United States as well as senior members of the national media.


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