High School Materials Distribution

Dear High School Student and Families,

We will continue to send you information and updates as we prepare for our first day of school on Tuesday September 8th . Here are some updates and action items for this week.

  • Next Communication - A communication further detailing our remote learning expectations for this fall will be sent early in the week of August 24th .

  • Student Schedules - Schoology and HAC will “go live” by August 26th so students and parents can view student schedules.

  • School Supplies - Once Schoology is “live” teachers will post school supply lists on their Schoology pages and will email students and parents directly.

  • Transportation - Bus route information will be sent at a later date since it is not critical to our first four weeks of school.

  • Unmet Obligations - If your student has any “unmet obligations” please contact Ms. Banks, amber.banks@ncs.k12.de.us, so that you can either return the school’s materials or provide payment so that we can replace the items for future student use.

  • Chromebook Policy and Fees - An email was sent yesterday regarding Chromebook policies and accidental insurance fees. Please review the video/policy documents and submit fees by August 28th . Here is the link to make payment http://bit.ly/NCSOnlinePayment.

  • Distribution of Student Materials - In an effort to safely allow students to pick up your school materials and Chromebook, we have scheduled for you to sign up for a time to participate in the material distribution process. Please use link below to sign up for a time for your grade

9th grade – Tuesday, September 1 st:


10th grade – Wednesday, September 2nd:


11th grade – Thursday, September 3rd:


12th grade – Thursday, September 3rd:


Your time in the school is designed to be safe and efficient. You must wear a face covering and use hand sanitizer upon entering the building - any student without a face covering will not be allowed to enter. Hand sanitizer will be available at a number of locations throughout the building. Restrooms will not be accessible.

Please park near the Athletic Fields and enter the building through the rear High School hallway doors near Mr. Jadick’s classroom. Once you enter the building, you can expect the following:

  • A guide will greet you and provide you with your schedule- please follow their instructions

  • You will move through the hallways to gather materials

  • Exit through the cafetorium doors

McIntire Drive Arrival MapMcIntire Drive Arrival Map

McIntire Drive Arrival Map

Download a PDF version of the arrival map.

While it will be exciting to see each other, it is imperative that you not congregate on campus…please return home immediately after exiting the building.


Dr. Ueltzhoffer


Meece Campus Technology Details


Jr High Materials Distribution