Remote Learning Plan (Jr / Sr High School)

Good morning students and families,

We are excited to start a new school year with your family. It cannot go without saying, I wish we were greeting our students and families in person! However, I believe our remote opening is the safest plan for our community at this time. We are working hard to do our best to provide the best virtual experience possible.

Last spring, when we first entered remote learning, our plan was responsive to the immediate needs of our community and appropriate at that time. However, our return to remote learning will be different to start the school year based on feedback and reflection. Our team is planning for more opportunities to engage and support students in the learning process, better structure academic and social-emotional supports, as well as, reconnect our community. Our primary focus at this time is to solidify structures to support these goals and to provide staff with professional development related to instructional technology. Once we have our academic programs up and running we will then layer other pieces of our planning.

Students will attend scheduled synchronous classes on our A/B schedule listed in the format below. Synchronous sessions (live instruction) will average 30 minutes but may extend up to 45 minutes in length. Synchronous instruction will be recorded and made available to students upon request in the event they are unable to attend class at the scheduled time.

Students will attend scheduled synchronous classes on our A/B schedule listed in the format below. Synchronous sessions (live instruction) will average 30 minutes but may extend up to 45 minutes in length. Synchronous instruction will be recorded and made available to students upon request in the event they are unable to attend class at the scheduled time. Classes will “meet” on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesdays will be dedicated to providing students opportunities to complete assignments independently and / or receive mediation or other services from teachers and specialists. Attached is our A/B schedule to provide further assistance; please note the few occasions where synchronous learning is scheduled to occur on Wednesdays due to holidays. This occurs on the first week of school due to the observance of Labor Day.

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We are sharing this information you at this time so that you can begin your planning to coordinate your family’s schedule for the fall. Additional details related to grading, student expectations, student life/ engagement and more will be shared in the weeks ahead. You may choose to visit to learn more about the most recent updates from the DIAA related to athletics.

Tuesday, September 8th is our students’ first day of school. A communication will be sent the week of August 31st to indicate student schedules are ready to be viewed in HAC (Home Access Center) and in Schoology. This communication will include details on how to access these platforms if you are not already aware.

I hope you have found this communication helpful so that you can begin to plan schedules and supports for your family in the fall. Our administrative team and teacher teams are hard at work fine tuning details related to the distribution of textbooks / materials / Chromebooks, homework policies and procedures, attendance, student and teacher expectations and policy for remote learning, orientations/Back to School Nights and extracurricular activities.


Lisa Ueltzhoffer, Ed.D.

Jr./Sr. High Principal


Jr High Materials Distribution


Intermediate School Material Pick Up (Sept 2)