Intermediate School Material Pick Up (Sept 2)
Good Morning Intermediate School Families,
As we continue to move closer to the beginning of the start of the school year, we wanted to share with you the procedures to pick up necessary materials and supplies to work remotely. These materials include textbooks, workbooks and the NCS Chromebook that will be allocated for your student to use. Yesterday, you should have received an email and video link clearly articulating the policies that must be agreed upon before we can issue your child a Chromebook. In order for your child to receive an NCS Chromebook, a $30 insurance payment must be received. Please refer to yesterday's email and/or the NCS website to follow the steps required to receive a Chromebook.
We have developed a safe, orderly procedure and are being extremely mindful to adhere to all safety guidelines. Before getting into the specifics of Newark Charter School's procedures, it is essential that all NCS families adhere to all government mandated COVID-19 precautions. These guidelines include: appropriate face masks (parent and student), 6 ft. social distancing, gathering restrictions, and other health related state mandates.
The schedule for Wednesday, September 2, 2020 is as follows:
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM: 4th Grade
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: 5th Grade
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM: 6th Grade
Please note that all Newark Charter School materials (ie: textbooks, novels, etc) that are issued must be returned in the same condition as received when we return to in person instruction.
Newark Charter Intermediate School material pick up procedures:
1) Families will arrive at the Meece Campus during the designated grade level time frame.
2) Parents/Guardians will pull up along the curb of the building. If curb space is unavailable when you arrive, a staff member will direct you into a holding area until room on the curb opens up. Please do not get out of your vehicle.
3) A Newark Charter School staff member will approach your car and ask for your child's name and house team color. This information was included within the letter that was mailed in the last week of July. If you need this information, please call the main office of the Intermediate School and we will be happy to give it to you.
The staff member will then go into the gym, collect your child's materials and place them in the passenger side of the car. We are striving for a contactless hand off.
Please note that prior to receiving a Chromebook, we must ensure that insurance payment has been received.
4) Once belongings are collected, cars can safely exit the campus.
This is far from how we would like to see our students and families for the start of the 2020 - 2021 school year. However, even though you can't see them, know that we will have smiles on our faces as a result of this limited opportunity to see our families.
We thank you for your attention to the multiple emails that have been and will continue to come from the school. In the near future we will continue to send information pertaining to:
Your child’s remote schedule (this will come in an email on Tuesday, August 25th from one of your child’s teachers)
The NCS Student Code of Conduct including a remote learning addendum
Information regarding the 2020 - 2021 Back to School Nights, and
Information and instructions on how your child will access the learning platform (daily lessons and assignments)
Be Well,
Jesse Wakeman
Principal, Intermediate Building
Newark Charter School